So often, when people approach me about possible coaching, I discover that there are a lot of questions about what coaching actually is. Many people just don’t know what to expect with coaching. This is understandable! Coaching has been around for a while, but there are very few ways to define coaching across the board, and there are a million different types of coaches out there. Some coaches are all about pumping up the energy, some coaches have pre-set programs, and some coaches serve as consultants. My hope is that everyone is able to find the type of coaching that works for them, but my approach to coaching is quite different from those I listed above. If you would like a better understanding of what to expect with coaching from me, please read on!
First off, I consider myself a mental health coach and/or a personal growth coach. This means that I work with people who want to work on the ways that they are stuck in the world, without necessarily going deeply into the “why” behind their stuckness (that’s where therapy is helpful). Frequently, people already understand their “why” (i.e, they’ve already pondered and recognized their childhood dynamics, past relationships, etc), but they need support in pulling it all together and moving forward in their lives. This stuckness can manifest as repeat patterns in relationships, career choices, self view and self esteem issues, parenting, or decisions about future plans (among many, many other possible topics).
So what to expect with coaching? First of all, expect deep, connecting conversation. The more you’re willing to dig thoroughly into your thoughts and feelings, the more capacity we have to find areas that can shift. You talk, I listen. I listen a lot. I listen, I reflect back what I hear, I ask clarifying questions, and as we go back and forth, we get down to the feelings underneath. This place, the place of the feelings underneath, is the place where true shifts happen. This is a vulnerable place, and it needs gentle, compassionate handling. This is a critical aspect to coaching. It can’t be rushed, it can’t be skimmed over, and it can’t be disregarded.
It’s different when you go to this vulnerable place with a trusted professional. Doing it on your own can be powerful, but it can also be tricky, and worse than that, it can be lonely or misleading. To be there with a compassionate, caring person who holds the space for all that you need means that you’re not just touching something deep, you’re tending to something deep. You’re giving that vulnerability the attention and nurturing it needs to heal. It has the time, space, and caring it needs.
This can be scary, I know! This is another reason to have a professional with you. You’ll go deeper, feel safer, and come away with a greater sense of validation than you would on your own. And by tending to these deep emotional places there is a greater chance of feeling strengthened by the process as you go forward into your life. The idea is to have greater clarity, more understanding, and a stronger sense of self in all that you do. To have flow in places that used to feel stuck is no small achievement.
Of course, I would be amiss to say that everyone has the same experience with coaching. What to expect with coaching? Your process is yours alone, and my coaching should be customized to your needs. This is why it’s smart to start with a complimentary consultation (which you can do here, or at Nurture Life Coaching. The consultation is a time to let me know what you’re looking for, ask any questions you may have, and get the information you need to see if we’d be a good fit in working with each other.
If you do decide that you’d like to work with me, we dig in from there. We clarify your goals, get a better understanding of your challenges, and then we mindfully start exploring. From there, the possibilities are as vast as the ideas we come up with together!
It’s my deepest hope that all of my clients live their deepest, richest, most fulfilling lives. This benefits them and it benefits everyone around them. We live in a world that asks a lot from us, and it’s tough to keep pulling from ourselves all of the resources we need to keep going. If I can help you to dig more deeply, find more inner strength, and live a more contented life, well, I can’t think of a better job than that.
Questions? Thoughts? Interesting anecdotes? Send them my way at [email protected]. I can’t wait to connect!